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Board of Health Minutes 12/02/2009
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h
M i n u t e s
Wednesday, December 2nd 2009
Chilmark Town Hall

Present:  Katie Carroll (Chair), Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman
Also Present:  Kent Healy (Healy Engineering), Marina Lent (Administrator-BOH)
Minutes of November 18th, 2009 adopted as amended.
5:15 pm: Public Hearing: Septic/Well Separations in the Inland Zone of the Coastal District, cont’d:
It was determined that, because Jan Buhrman was not present at the opening of the hearing on November 18th, she can participate in the continued discussion, but cannot vote, on the matters under review.
The Board reviewed the discussions held on the regulations proposed for adoption regarding well and septic separations in the Inland Zone of the Coastal District.  The Board concluded that there is no health effect of proximity of one well to another, and decided to delete the proposed well-to-well separation.  The Board also amended the well-to-septic separation by deleting the provision limiting variances granted by the Board to a minimum of 150’.
The Board approved the regulations relating to separations of septic-to-septic and well-to-septic in the Coastal Zone, as amended, by a vote of two in favor.
Siegel (25-121)  Bioclere maintenance reports should be sent to the Board;  Marina reported that Chris Alley will talk to John Abrams about this.
Murphy (30-30)  Kent Healy reported on a proposal for the upgrade of system components on this property.  Valerie Murphy’s cesspool is currently not on her ½ acre lot, and she would like to rectify that.  Kent Healy has designed a leaching bed next to the tank which meets all State requirements but will require a variance of the well-to-septic separation and septic-to-property line separation called for by BOH regulations.  The proposed well-to-septic separation is actually an improvement over the separation of the drinking water well she currently uses from the current cesspool, and the variance to property line does not involve a resident abutter, but a roadway.
The Board approved the proposed disposal works construction permit, conditional upon receipt of a letter from Valerie Murphy acknowledging that the 130’ proposed well-to-septic separation is less than what is called for by BOH regulations.
Douglas (11-21)  The Board reviewed a well permit application from the property at Rainbow Farm, which proposes a well for agricultural use only (not a drinking water well).  The Board approved the application, specifying that the well is to be used for agricultural purposes.
Hyde (26-121)  The Board had before it a letter of inspection for the septic system, showing that the system appears to be functioning properly and to have been installed satisfactorily per the design plan.  The Board determined that the system on this property was approved for a four-bedroom house, but that it now serves a five-bedroom house.  Perusal of the plans shows that the system which was planned and approved does have the capacity to support a 5 bedroom house.  The Board stated that it wishes to see an accurate plan, showing location of all components, since many changes were undertaken without proper documentation.
Middleton (24-155)   The Board took note of a well completion report and potability test received for this property.
Stein (4-17)  The Board took note of a Title 5 septic system inspection report which shows the system to be in sound operational condition, no pumping required.
Kohlberg –Davis (24-195)  The Board took note of a Title 5 septic system inspection report which shows the system to be in sound operational condition.
Child Excavation Installer’s Permit Application  The Board approved the application for the Installer’s Permit, which will be valid through December 2010.
Clivus Service/Maintenance Reports The Board reviewed service/maintenance reports for a number of Clivus composting toilet/greywater systems.
Citizen Complaint re: smell of sewage  The Board noted a complaint of a “strong smell of sewage” received on November 15th for the area of South Road just up-Island of the Chilmark School.  Further information on source or location of the smell has not been forthcoming, and the complaint has not been repeated.
Menemsha Deli:  Mike Renahan noted that a septic pumper truck was seen at the Menemsha Deli recently, and asked Marina to confirm that a permit for the pumpout had been secured, and to inquire whether this pumpout had been required due to system back-up.  
Municipal Trash  Jan Buhrman reported on her talks with Library Director Ebba Hierta regarding the amount of trash produced by Town buildings.  She noted that the Library does not have recycling for anything other than paper, and is willing to recycle if they can be supplied with recycling bins.  Jan will speak to Executive Secretary Tim Carroll requesting assistance in establishing recycling of plastics, metals and glass in the Chilmark Library, and Marina will follow up.
Invoices  The Board approved the following invoices
  • MVRD  Gas monitoring Q3 50%    $76.94
  • Study Guides for Marina’s Water Treatment Certification:
  • Basic Microbiology for Drinking Water Personnel                 $ 66.00
  • Basic Chemistry for Water and Wastewater Operators              $ 66.00
  • Operator Certification Study Guide                              $ 80.00
  • Water Treatment Operator Handbook                               $ 77.00
                                Shipping                                        $ 19.00
                                TOTAL:                                          $308.00 
Marina stated that, with the study guides listed here, she should be able to self-study to take the Water Operator Treatment I exam, which will qualify her to be the primary operator for the Chilmark School Public Drinking Water System (# 406-2008) in the future.

The Board held back the following invoices, pending clarification of MVRD billing for municipal waste, and clarification of the accidental inclusion of a dump receipt of municipal waste from the Town of West Tisbury among the receipts submitted for the Town of Chilmark.

  • MVRD transportation    $132.60
  • MVRD transportation /recycling  $ 1,783.60
The Board adjourned at 6:40pm

______________________            _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                                Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health                      Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.